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Association Statutes (English)

(English Version- November 2021)


Article 1

The aims of the association known as the “Bordeaux British Community” (hereafter called ‘the Association’) founded in September 1972 are:

1. To organize social and sporting activities for the membership.
2. To assist the integration of multinational English-speaking people who come to settle in the Bordeaux area.
3. To promote cultural exchanges between the membership and the French community.                    

There is no time limit to its existence and it has no fixed location and its address is in Bordeaux.

Article 2

The events and activities of the Association are by individual and personal invitation. Non-members may attend and are considered as temporary members (without the right of any member discount) whilst doing so.

Article 3

The Association is composed of entitled members who have paid their annual subscription, the amount of which is decided by the members of the Association at the annual general meeting. 

A special class of member restricted to one specified activity and not entitled to any other membership benefits may be introduced and their annual subscription will exceptionally be determined by the Committee.

Article 4

Membership status ceases on resignation or on non-payment of the annual subscription. The annual subscription covers the period 1 January to 31 December.


Article 5 

The Association is administered by an administrative committee composed of a maximum of TWELVE members, elected by ballot by the annual general meeting for ONE YEAR and chosen from among the members of the Association.                                         

 In addition to the elected members, the British General Consul in Bordeaux is an ex-officio member. In addition, the committee may appoint ex-officio members on a temporary basis if some specific skill or advice is required. 

In case of a vacancy, the committee can temporarily replace members.

Any re-election is of the entire committee. Outgoing members may stand for re-election.       

The committee selects from among its members an administration composed of:                                     

1 president,

1 or more vice-presidents,

1 secretary and

1 treasurer.

Other functions can be allocated depending on requirements.

Article 6

The committee meets regularly during the year, on each occasion the meeting is either called by the president or at the wish of a quorum of its members. The presence of a third of the elected members is necessary for any proceedings to be valid.

Minutes are kept for the meetings, these are signed by the president and filed in chronological order.

Article 7

The members of the committee may not receive any remuneration on account of the functions entrusted to them.

Article 8

The annual general meeting of the Association is composed of members who have paid their annual subscription.

It meets once a year, and each meeting is called by the committee or at the wish of a quarter of the members of the Association.

Its agenda is drawn up by the committee.
Its office holders are those of the committee.

It receives the reports from the committee on the ethical, general and financial situation of the Association.

It approves the accounts of the period of office just ending, fixes the level of subscription for the next period in office, and discusses matters on the agenda and, during the annual meeting, votes in the new committee.

Article 9

Expenditure is authorised by the president.

The Association is represented in legal matters and in all civil law matters by the president or a member of the committee chosen by him/her to do so.

The person representing the Association must have full right to exercise his/her civic rights.

The dissolution must be declared to the Préfecture of the area in which the association has its address.

Article 10

Accounts are maintained on a regular basis showing receipts and expenditure.                                

The Treasurer presents the accounts to the Committee on a regular basis.


Article 11

The president must inform the Préfecture of the area in which the association has its address within three months of all changes taking place in the administration or management of the association, as well as of all modifications made to its statutes.

These modifications are also to be kept in a special register, approved and initialled by the president of the association.                                    

The registers of the Association and all accounting documents are to be presented on demand of the Préfet to him or to his representative or any government official authorized by him.

Article 12

The dissolution of the Association can only be declared by a general meeting especially called for this purpose.

The general meeting will designate one or more auditors mandated for the liquidation of the assets of the association.
It will attribute the current assets in accordance with the law.

The dissolution must be declared to the Préfecture of the area in which the association has its address.

Bordeaux, Wednesday, November 17, 2021