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Walks & Talks with Alain

Come and join us for a cool, healthy, convivial time of exercise and discovery. The Association maintains outdoor activities in compliance with standing sanitary regulations. So, we walk and talk in regulation-size groups twice a month, with masks on wherever we are. One walk will take place on the second Wednesday of the month, the other one will be on another day and week. We walk about Bordeaux and all over Gironde and around.

The point is to meet, exercise (3-5 km at a reasonable pace), exchange, open our eyes to the local scenery and all the things of interest we come across, things human, geographical, historic(al), architectural, economic, technical et al. Written information about the place and the above is supplied so you can do the walk again on your own at some time in the future with friends and family. 4-legged friends are welcome. So are all your suggestions for future sorties.

Given the reduced size of groups allowed outside at present, contact the organiser as early as possible so that we can conduct two similar walks (possibly 3) on two successive days or at different times. Make sure you leave your cell-phone number with the organiser and you have the organiser’s phone with you on walk day, in case of emergency.

Hope to see you soon, the BBC Walk-and-Talk group coordinator, Alain MOUNOLOU. If you want to know more, look up the website and the monthly newsletter and/or contact me at , or the Committee.